Why Choose IntraNerve Neuroscience for Intraoperative Monitoring & cEEG Neuromonitoring Services?

Comprehensive Compliance

Since its inception, IntraNerve Neuroscience (INN) has organically built our client list of physicians and healthcare facility partners based on ethical business conduct. INN and its officers, managers, employees, and contractors all strictly adhere to the INN Code of Ethical Business Conduct, Physician Self-Referral Law (Stark Law), False Claims Act (FCA), the Civil Monetary Penalties Law (CMPL), and the Anti-Kickback Statute (AKS).

INN is not owned, directly or indirectly, by any physician in a position to refer patients to a healthcare facility or to other physicians. INN does not pay any compensation to any physician practicing at a healthcare facility or a physician in a position to refer to a healthcare facility, which payment may be construed or inferred to be compensation for referrals.

Additionally, we have comprehensive and compliant medical billing policy, protocols and follow all guidelines set forth by Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). Learn more at Office of Inspector General (Fraud/Abuse Laws).

Quality Reporting & Performance Improvement

IntraNerve Neuroscience is focused on performance improvement and dedicated to improving IONM and Neurotelemetry EEG care.

EEG Performance Improvement

Because of this, we conduct Performance Improvement Audits on our patients and have quarterly meetings with each of our healthcare partners to go over the information we have collected. Criteria selected for the Performance Improvement process is reviewed, discussed, and agreed upon by IntraNerve Neuroscience leadership at least once annually.  The focus for our facilities is on clinical operations with two Joint Commission standards in mind:

  • Record of Care, Treatment, and Services: Patient Demographics & Documentation
  • Provision of Care, Treatment, and Services: Communication & Quality of Monitoring


  • Reach a mid-90% accuracy range for each data measurement
  • Root cause analysis completed for ranges that fall below (50%-89% yellow) or (below 50% red)

Sample of EEG Performance Improvement Report Content

Case Statistics
  • Type of Cases
  • Total Number of Cases
  • Cases Audited
  • Diagnostics
Event Statistics
  • Number
  • Type
INN Communication
  • Significant Event Reporting
  • Technical Issues Documented and Facility Notified
INN and Quality
  • Turnaround Time for Status Reports
  • Appropriate Documentation
  • Technical Impression Consistent with the Reading Physician Report
Facility Quality of Care
  • Integrity Testing
  • All Appropriate Documentation Provided
  • Turnaround Time for the Facility

IONM Performance Improvement

Following our Joint Commission accreditation in Ambulatory Care (Telehealth) in March 2010, INN implemented a Performance Improvement and Quality Assurance program, performing monthly case audits across the country.  INN is dedicated to continually improving IONM patient care through our focus on performance improvement within the Clinical Operations of the company. We publish our QA reports quarterly and work regularly with our healthcare facility partners on ways to continuously improve our delivery of services.

Sample of IONM Performance Improvement Report Content

Case Statistics
  • Type of Cases
  • Total Number of Cases
  • Cases Audited
Alert Statistics
  • Total Number of Alerts
  • Type
INN Cost Savings Provided
Record of Care
  • Appropriate Documentation
  • Summary of Data Modalities
  • Needle Counts
  • Time Out
  • Technical Impression Consistent with the Reading Physician Report
Provision of Care
  • Pertinent history, signs & symptoms recorded
  • Appropriate Communication with the Reading Physician
  • Surgeon Informed Appropriately
  • Monitoring Summary per Procedure Type

Information Security

INN maintains a comprehensive Information Management and Security program, constantly adapting to changes in technology while managing security risks as a national Telehealth provider.  INN complies with OCR (Office for Civil Rights), HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology), and HITECH (Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act) regulations in regards to the management and handling of electronic Protected Health Information (ePHI) by taking the necessary steps to ensure that all patient data created, received, transmitted, processed, and stored remains secure and confidential.

Accredited by The Joint Commission in Ambulatory Care

Joint Commission Accreditation

IntraNerve Neuroscience (INN) has been accredited by The Joint Commission (TJC) in Ambulatory Care, Telehealth since 2010, and transitioned to the new Telehealth Accreditation program in 2024. We are proud to have been of the first national companies in neurodiagnostics to earn this high level of achievement.

What is The Joint Commission

The Joint Commission (TJC), a non-profit organization, validates healthcare organization’s performance, like providing a report card to the public. By having this golden standard, patients can have confidence in the healthcare organization’s quality and safety of care. TJC Accreditation requires participating healthcare organizations to have continuously updated plans, training, education, policies and procedures, objective performance measures and continuous improvement processes.

Benefits of Accreditation

  • Demonstrates a commitment to the highest level of patient safety and patient care
  • Nationally acknowledged benchmark of quality
  • Provides education to improve business operations
  • Provides professional advice and counsel, enhancing staff education
  • Enhances ability to attract and recruit quality staff

Standards of Evaluation

The Joint Commission Telehealth program addresses healthcare organization’s performance in specific areas and specifies requirements to ensure the best patient care is provided.

The areas that INN is evaluated on are:

  • Equipment, Devices, and Connectivity
  • National Patient Safety Goals
  • Emergency Management
  • Performance Improvement
  • Human Resources
  • Provision of Care, Treatment and Services
  • Record of Care, Treatment and Services
  • Information Management
  • Rights and Responsibilities of the Individual
  • Leadership