EEG monitoring has come a long way since its inception when the standard study for all patients averaged between 30-and 60 minutes in length. This limitation, especially in some patient populations, can be overcome when recording a Continuous (cEEG) study. Because of a longstanding nationwide shortage of properly trained Registered EEG Technologists (REEGT), and the budget constraints of staffing a department 24/7 in order to meet this need, remote cEEG Technologists and interpreting Epileptologists can bridge this gap.
Some conditions that benefit from a remote monitoring team that can continuously evaluate for otherwise unknown abnormalities include non-convulsive status epilepticus (NCSE), assessing brain function during targeted temperature management (TTM) in post-cardiac arrest patients, altered mental status, and traumatic brain injury. cEEG in the neonate population is also important, given the increased incidence of electrographic seizures in this high-risk population.
By partnering with a remote EEG telehealth company, patients can be monitored around the clock by highly qualified REEGTs, thus decreasing mortality and improving patient outcomes. Technological advancements in equipment and internet technology make this achievable despite Technologist staffing issues nationwide.
Another often overlooked opportunity in partnering with a remote EEG company is that staff can be trained at an appropriate level to properly apply electrodes and hand off the patient once connected to a remote REEGT who will operate the machine and complete the routine study. This allows for a technically sound study despite a shortage of available on-site REEGTs. It also mitigates burnout amongst current staff REEGT by decreasing or eliminating their after-hour call burden.
Utilization of a Joint Commission Accredited remote cEEG monitoring service can be a great adjunct to patient care, by providing 24/7 EEG monitoring without the staffing overhead and scheduling concerns of having to staff these services on-site. This is a value-added service by only paying for highly-qualified staff when the service is needed, and bringing the highest level of care to maximize patient outcomes.
Written by: Cheryll Poissant, REEG/EPT, MI/OP

If you are interested in learning how IntraNerve Neuroscience’s Remote EEG Monitoring Services can partner with your facility, please reach out to