Like the rest of the world, IntraNerve Neuroscience is working hard to stay up to date on appropriate precautions and regulations regarding the COVID-19 crisis, while keeping our promise of excellent patient care. Our team has been working collectively on different projects and initiatives across the country during this time of need. We have put together suggestions from our staff in the field, as well as online resources that may be helpful as surgeries are rescheduled.
Suggestions from the field:
- As some facilities are doing temperature checks at the door, check your temperature the night before and before leaving in the morning to avoid any surprises.
- As always, disinfect your END system, laptop, phones, and any other items that come with you into the OR.
- Strip down as much as possible when returning home and put your work clothes straight in the laundry.
- If you’re able, self-isolate within your home by using a special bathroom or bedroom.

An alternative to removing your dirty shoes before entering your home would be to keep a pair of slip on shoes and a tote/old shoe box in your car. Keep the work shoes in the box in your car.
Donning PPE in active room:
- Perform hand hygiene
- Put on gown
- Put on NIOSH-approved N95 mask or higher (perform a user seal test every time you use a N95)
- Put on face shield
- Perform hand hygiene
- Put on gloves (cover the cuff of the gown)
Doffing PPE in active room:
- Remove gloves first
- Remove gown from back to front inside out
- Perform hand hygiene
- Remove face shield – do not touch front of face shield or goggles
- Remove mask from ears out/forward
- Perform hand hygiene
We hope these tips are helpful to those returning to the operating room. Remember to check resources like the CDC to stay up to date on COVID-19 protocols and regulations.
Sources: ASET COVID-19 Resources CDC PPE Use
We were recently gifted face shields for our IONM team from Yeti Cycles! Thanks, Yeti, for producing and donating 20,000 face shields and 24,000 medical grade masks to those in need across Colorado.
Written by Grace Arbuckle and Jennille Geiger